Explain sublimation.
Answer: Sublimation is the property of
substance in which they are converted directly from solid to gas or vice versa.
Such substances are known as sublime. Some examples of solids which sublime are ammonium chloride,
camphor, naphthalene and anthracene. Let us perform an
activity to separate a mixture of ammonium chloride and salt.
Take a mixture of ammonium chloride
and salt in a china dish cover it inverted conical transparent funnel. At the
other end of the funnel put a cotton plug so that vapour could not come out.
Now place china dish on a burner. As the ammonium chloride is sublime after
heating it will directly converted into vapour and this vapour will again
condense at the upper colder part of funnel to form solid ammonium chloride. In
this way the mixture ammonium chloride and salt can be separated by the
sublimation method.

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